I have too many really cute pics on my computer... I wanna share them but I'm too lazy to use tumblr soooo...

Hiroto from alice nine.
He is 26 in this year... And looks like a 13-years old boy...
The photos are from Wink Up 01/2011

And Hiroto again. He is so cute! And skinny... I'm really jealous.
Another man is Tatsuro from MUCC.

Tegoshi Yuya from NEWS. He looks so cute in dress!
I'm really wondering where this is from :o Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge or some other drama?

"Yuya ja Yamapi ne yhteen soppii, huomenna pannaan pussauskoppiin..." and so on.
TegoPi is a really cute pairing <3

NEWS. What-the-hell? :DDD

"Hello cousin!"
Awww Kame, you look like Lady from Disney's Lady and the Tramp.


Oh, so boring the first post of the year...